shirt: j. crew factory (really I swear I own other shirts), dress: forever 21, tights: who knows, shoes: born
I met a friend for frozen yogurt and thrifting today. If you are ever anywhere near Old Saybrook, Connecticut, you have got to try Sweet Luna's. It's one of those fill-your-own, top-your-own yogurt places that are popping up like crocuses this spring, except it's actually really good, real frozen yogurt. By which I mean it is not mixed from powder and water like all that nonsense at Pinkberry, and it shows.
pink perfection
The building the yogurt place is in was under construction, and to cover up the ugliness on the front wall of the building, they had put up a giant wall of white plywood, accompanied by a box of crayons, for completely authorized grafitti-ing. Friend insisted on marking her cats name in giant red letters, so that is what I have pictures of. I drew an apparently non-photogenic rabbit.
I'll save what I did buy at goodwill for another time--though I'll admit that red dress on the hanger was involved. For now, I'll leave you with what I didn't buy:
"spring fashion." Sleeves were puffier than they appear here.
Clearly I made a mistake passing this up. So versatile. I would have been all set for Easter, weddings, formal dinners, etc. And, as my friend pointed out, I could have hemmed it and used the extra fabric to make a second shirt and skirt.
Oh well.
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Haha :D You're so cute! I love the floral dress! It's fantastic! <3
ReplyDelete- Anna
hahaha thank you! It was...quite a gown. I swear it weighed a good few pounds on the hanger...sooooo much fabric.