shirt: J. Crew Factory, cardigan: American Apparel, jeans: Marshalls? Maybe? shoes: thrifted, bag: Scaramanga, headband: Modcloth
Let's just admit that based on my outfit this is obviously the pose I should really be doing. Although I'm realizing now, courtesy of wikipedia's picture, that I didn't get it quite right.
I've had this blog for all of a week and this chambray shirt has already made 3 appearances. Clearly I play favorites. But the thing I really love here is my satchel. It was a gift when I finished earning my teaching certification, which I guess makes it my professional bag! It is from Scaramanga, a fantastic UK company that makes all sorts of lovely leather bags and satchels and ships to the US. Compared to other high-quality bags, their prices are fairly reasonable, even with the overseas shipping. Best of all, they are beautifully and sturdily handmade and completely completely gorgeous. AND everything is ethically sourced. It's starting to sound like I'm advertising for them, but I swear this is just me...I can only dream of complimentry Scaramanga arriving on my doorstep. Anyway, I clearly adore this bag. It's one of those things that is only getting more beautiful as it ages, and that I will probably be carrying forever. I highly recommend checking out the site!
And finally, the daily dose of Instagram--blue skies on 125th street:
I'll be in the city for the next few days, but I'm hoping to get my first DIY tutorial up when I'm back. I'm going to see the Bronx Zoo on Saturday for the first time since I was 10 and the second time ever. I'm probably going to more excited than the (probably huge crowd of) small children there. Anyone have tips on must-sees?
beck9219 81p · 621 weeks ago
dzifah · 621 weeks ago
<3 Dzifah from
beck9219 81p · 621 weeks ago
littlemotley 59p · 621 weeks ago
Anna · 621 weeks ago
Hey, thanks for the nomination, by the way! I was a good girl and I answered all of your questions. ;D
Cheers! <3
- Anna
kittenhood 53p · 621 weeks ago
Kristian · 621 weeks ago